
  John Kent (Randolph Scott), a former star football player at Harvard, goes to Paris with his friend Huck Haines (Fred Astaire) and the latter's dance band, the Wabash Indianians. Alexander Voyda (Luis Alberni) has booked the band, but refuses to let them play when he finds the musicians are not the Indians he expected, but merely from Indiana (Huck Haines and his Indianians Band).
  John turns to the only person he knows in Paris for help, his Aunt Minnie (Helen Westley), who owns the fashionable "Roberta" gown shop. While there, he meets her chief assistant (and secretly the head designer), Stephanie (Irene Dunne). John is quickly smitten with her.
  Meanwhile, Huck unexpectedly stumbles upon someone he knows very well. "Countess Scharwenka", a temperamental customer at Roberta's, turns out to be his hometown sweetheart Lizzie Gatz (Ginger Rogers). She gets Huck's band an engagement at the nightclub where she is a featured entertainer.
  Two things trouble John. One is Ladislaw (Victor Varconi), the handsome Russian deposed prince and doorman who seems too interested in Stephanie. The other is the memory of Sophie (Claire Dodd), the snobbish, conceited girlfriend he left behind after a quarrel over his lack of sophistication and polish.
  When Aunt Minnie dies unexpectedly without leaving a will, John inherits the shop. Knowing nothing about women's fashion and that his aunt intended for Stephanie to inherit the business, he persuades Stephanie to remain as his partner. Correspondents flock to hear what a football player has to say about feminine fashions. Huck gives the answers, making a lot of weird statements about the innovations John is planning to introduce.
  Sophie arrives in Paris, attracted by John's good fortune. She enters the shop, looking for a dress, but is dissatisfied with everything Stephanie shows her. Huck persuades her to choose a gown that John had ordered discarded as too vulgar. When John sees her in it, they quarrel for the final time.
  John reproaches Stephanie for selling Sophie the gown. Terribly hurt, Stephanie quits the shop. With Roberta's putting on a fashion show in a week, Huck takes over the design work, with predictably bad results. When Stephanie sees his awful creations, she is persuaded to return to save Roberta's reputation.
  The show is a triumph, helped by the entertaining of Huck, Countess Scharwenka, and the band. (A pre-stardom Lucille Ball, with platinum blond hair, appears uncredited in her first RKO film[4] as a model wearing an elaborate feather cape, after the vocal by Dunne, in the fashion show.[5]) The closing sensation is a gown modeled by Stephanie herself. At the show, John overhears that she and Ladislaw are leaving Paris and mistakenly assumes that they have married. Later, he congratulates her for becoming a princess. When she informs him that Ladislaw is merely her cousin and that the title has been hers since birth, the lovers are reunited. Huck and Lizzie, who decide to get married, do a final tap dance sequel.


  • 骏琛 6小时前 :

    85/100 整部電影以牌局和復仇兩條簡單的線索同時推進,不過施拉德對兩者都進行了大篇幅的留白處理,我們既不明晰牌局的規則,也不清楚復仇的細節,更不知道用白床單籠罩整個房間的意義,換言之,我們是這部電影的旁觀者,只能遠遠地觀望,並非直接參與者。施拉德有意地簡化了過程(牌局的部分幾乎是符號化的),只向我們展示前因與後果,這種布列松式的抽離設計貫徹全片,給人的感覺如同男主的撲克臉那般沈著冷靜。男主無疑是在牌桌上振臂高呼的美利堅先生光鮮外表的反面,他的過往代表了美國最不堪入目的陰暗面,但真正有權勢的階層是無需上桌的,是隱身的,就像背後支持的金主與全身而退的上校,手上沾血的永遠不會是他們,抱屈含冤的永遠只會是我們,因此這也是一部關於剝削與被剝削者之間博弈的電影。

  • 辟元彤 5小时前 :


  • 羊小凝 6小时前 :

    Wosp 里没人在乎你是谁,只在乎你的手腕上有没有金手链~

  • 郝淑穆 1小时前 :


  • 空华楚 1小时前 :


  • 泥芳润 2小时前 :


  • 珊静 7小时前 :


  • 琪帆 9小时前 :


  • 谯文思 7小时前 :


  • 雨美 5小时前 :

    沉闷,Issac和Sheridan正常发挥,故意压平了character arc,反高潮地把能拍动作场面的事件都改成了第三人称叙述。气氛确实到位了,但也确实看得昏昏欲睡。

  • 腾鸿 7小时前 :


  • 蔡仲舒 0小时前 :


  • 辰骞 3小时前 :


  • 章佳湘君 0小时前 :


  • 汝长逸 7小时前 :


  • 赖雪萍 2小时前 :


  • 沃心香 2小时前 :

    “He can recognize the Transcendent,he can study those methods which brought him to that realization,but that actual ‘why’of that realization is a mystery.”

  • 泷仪文 2小时前 :


  • 畅龙 8小时前 :


  • 铭骏 3小时前 :



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